Nam Technologies has a strong capability to provide software quality assurance, training, deployment, and application user support services. Our software quality assurance program is designed to, ensure that assurance requirements are documented andsatisfied throughout all phases of the life cycle.
For each development effort, Nam’s software assurance process shall describe how the activities specified by an assurance standard will be implemented.
The Software Assurance Plan shall be reviewed and, if needed, updated at the end of each life cycle phase.
As a part of the Software Assurance Management, Nam Technologies shall designate a software assurance manager who shall be responsible for directing and managing the software assurance program. The software assurance manager shall have a reporting channel which is independent of the client’s project management and software development function.
Software Assurance Records would be prepared that contain the descriptions and results of all software assurance activities. Results, such as status reports and audit reports, shall include recommended preventative measures and corrective actions. These records shall be available to the acquirer.
Software Assurance Status Reports shall be prepared by the provider on its software assurance activities on a periodic basis, as specified by the acquirer. Any proposed deviations from or modifications to the baselined software assurance plan would be submitted to the acquirer as a formal change request. Proposed changes would be accompanied by a risk analysis performed to identify the potential impact of the change.
Detect actual or potential conditions that coulddegrade quality, including deficiencies and system incompatibilities, and provide a process to ensurecorrective action is taken and completed.
Assure timely and effective preventive action byidentifying root causes of deficiencies and non-conformances.